Screaming Into the Void

Submissions Reports: July 2024

In case you’re wondering why it’s taking us so long to to respond to your submissions …

Number of Submissions Per Call

As of July 31, 2014, we have received 1,256 total submissions across all of our calls for submissions.

Submissions by Call - 08-01-24

Call for Submission Submissions
Call for Submissions 2024 357
Tiny Terrors (Short Fiction) 168
Anthology: Bite 206
Anthology: Howl 209
Anthology: Soul 316
TOTAL 1,256

Original vs. Reprint

More than 75% of the stories submitted were original stories.

Original vs Reprint - 08-01-24

Original / Reprint Submissions
Original 959
Reprint 297

Word Counts

A total of almost 8.1 million words were submitted.

Word Counts - 08-01-24

Call for Submission Words
Call for Submissions 2024 4,055,386
Tiny Terrors (Short Fiction) 1,272,138
Anthology: Bite 751,006
Anthology: Howl 788,507
Anthology: Soul 1,231,436
TOTAL 8,098,473

We’re doing the best we can to evaluate all of the stories that we have received, but we received a lot more than we anticipated.

If you haven’t heard back from us yet, that means that your story is still under consideration.