Screaming Into the Void

Finding Horror in the Mundane by Guest Author AM Sutter

I was sitting in the doctor’s office, with one foot bouncing, waiting to hear if I needed surgery. In the reception area with me, at least a dozen people were apprehensive over the same news. My watch—more sophisticated than it had any right to be—beeped at me, telling me that I was stressed and needed to breathe. Before this, I didn’t even know this was a feature of the watch; it had never done that before. It was then that I realized I was scared, indescribably terrified in a way I hadn’t been for quite a while. A split second...

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From the Acquisitions Manager: On Cover Letters

It’s Hannah here, your friendly Acquisitions Manager, social media person, general contact girl, newsletter writer, and generally just here to help as needed. Today, I’m here to talk about work stuff. Which is either fun or not fun, according to your tastes, but it’s something I feel the need to address. What’s the subject? Cover letters and biographies. I know, I know. Cover letters, biographies, and blurbs are the bane of everyone’s existence. But they’re also incredibly important! You see, a good cover letter/biography can make or break your story with us before we’ve ever opened your document. How, you ask?...

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